15 AgTech Start-Ups to Meet at World Agri-Tech Dubai >

15 start-ups offering scalable solutions and technologies for the climate-stressed regions of Middle

Funding Agri-Tech Innovations in MEASA >

Agtech investors leading projects in the Middle East, Africa and South Asia shed light on the building

Adapting Soil Health & Crop Breeding Practices for Arid Climates >

In the climatically vulnerable regions of MEASA, how can we feasibly grow drought and heat tolerant

Developing Smallholder Farmer-Centric Solutions to Improve Yields and Efficiencies >

How are digital solutions adapted to meet the needs of smallholder farmers across Middle East, Africa

Championing Localised Food Production in the Middle East with Sky Kurtz, Pure Harvest Smart Farms >

Sky Kurtz, CEO of Pure Harvest Smart Farms joined World Agri-Tech’s Emma Fontete to discuss

AgTechNavigator.com launch: independent and authoritative news, insights and analysis >

William Reed has launched AgTechNavigator.com to provide independent and authoritative news, insights

Bayer introducing agricultural system for direct-seeded rice in India >

Bayer plans to bring direct-seeded rice to one million hectares, supporting two million early adopter-smallholder

IFC & OCP Launch $800m African Agri-Finance Platform >

OCP Group, the world’s largest phosphate mining and leading global fertilizer group and IFC,

Bosman Van Zaal Brings Horticultural Expertise to Vertical Farming >

“We still see a lot of room for energetic optimization in the vertical farming space. That’s

Saudi Arabia’s NEOM city partners with Van Der Hoeven on Desert Horticulture Oasis >

Saudi Arabia is teaming up with a Dutch greenhouse company to create “a synthetic climate to make